
2022 Wrapped

They say a lot can happen over a year and it is true! 2022 is about to end and out of nowhere, here I am, just like that, sitting and pondering over all that I have experienced throughout the year. This year has given me a positive surge and a willingness to look forward to what comes along. I am pondering over all those little wins and some milestones that I have achieved. Right from getting onboarded as a freelance content writer with a widely known platform for professional content writers to buying a nice little house for my parents, I am recollecting it all. In the heart of my hearts I know it has been years of efforts that have gone into these. This year was not just about the wins though, no year can be just about the wins. There were blurry days when all seemed to fall apart and there were times when I went hard on myself. There were times when I laughed like a baby and times when I cried my heart out. There were times when I felt loved and times when I felt lonely even in a


I hope you think of yourself more than that reflection of yours in the mirror and I hope, you know there is so much more to you than what you choose to see. I hope you realise that you are not defined by the colour of your skin nor by your possessions or your pride and I hope, you think beyond the conventions that you are made to believe. I hope when you put on a smile, it is not just for the world to see and I hope, it is something that comes to you while simply picking up flowers lying on the street. I hope wherever you decide to go, you go with all your heart and I hope, you embrace all the scars that you get through your journey. I hope you know that sometimes it is ok to be lost along a twisted path and I hope, you notice the little things that surround you and take a mental picture of it that lasts. I hope you look closely as to what makes you really happy and I hope, you try to do more of it. I hope you care about yourself, in all the ways you care about the things t

Happy Mother's Day!


Other side of the story

     'Tough times though inevitable, they never last. It's just a phase that we all shall pass.'     Different stories evolve around the world, each person living his own. However, the whole world is living just the one right now, 'story of the lethal pandemic'. Dejecting as it seems, it certainly isn't permanent and like every story has its two sides, even this one isn't excepted. We often underestimate the power of hope. Whilst the truth being, it certainly is capable of creating some wonders.   Anxiety when it strikes, strikes bad.  Those are the times when we find ourselves far away from the path of optimism. During my lows, those around me gifted me with that beautiful thing called hope. They carried it for me when I myself wasn't able to. They held it for me until I believed it to be the truth. It was something that helped me sail through difficult situations. It is a similar situation worldwide amidst this lockdown. But you still have

Ready to meet your companion yet?

   From arousing my curiosity to building me intellectually. From helping me escape the reality to guiding me to delve deeper into life situations. From being a part of my growth to being a loyal companion in every journey. From childhood till date and forever .... I just can't get enough of them. Through books I have travelled to distant lands and seen the world with a whole new perspective. Being one of my favourite pastimes, I also have found my solace in them. Books can narrate you stories such a way in which even movies can't, and yes, I do mean it. Forget about the visuals, books work upon your imagination magically and you no longer need to rely upon madeup visuals as you yourself will be the one creating those around you, including the tiniest of all details while moving towards an enthralling plot twist. Being a voracious reader since childhood, one thing I have realised  is, you need not be a booklover to read books. Instead just pick one up and start the

Yours lovingly...

Dear human, It's been a few days since I am finding myself at ease. Finally, I am able to breathe freely. I guess there's no need to specify since when. Do you know the winds blow differently now? I have heard them whispering their happiness all along. Do you know the trees are swaying in these winds all day long, as if dancing happily to their rhythm? Do you know the sky is actually looking blue, more like radiant blue? Have you heard the birds chirping every now and then, as if they have regained their beautiful voice which they had lost amidst the noise pollution? Do you know the animals for once, are at liberty, wandering not just in their own habitats but also in your vicinity? Have you noticed? Surely you might have. Well, all of them have been wondering where you are these days. Some are bemused by the sudden lack of ongoing human activity, or let's just say that we are so used to human intervention that your sudden absence seems a bit strange. It

Thank you for joining me !

Thank you for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton